Friday, September 28, 2012


This is going to be a short one because I'm freaking out! I'm cleaning my apartment so Cory and Lee can come over and hang out (because I'm one of those insecure people that literally can't have guests over if there's ANY mess) and I hear crickets. Now, their numbers have increased in the last few weeks and we've been fighting them diligently. The chirping was so loud I thought the little bugger was inside (and under my bed again) so I got on all fours to try and scare it out from under there. Well he wasn't there and I realized that the sound was coming from my window. I pulled up the blinds hoping that the duct tape hadn't come off (reference an earlier blog entry {Crickets and Crime Scenes} for explanation of WHY I had to duct tape my window) and found this...

So now that they can't get IN the window they have taken residence ON the window.
There were a lot more than this... my screams scared some of them away...

I seriously don't know what I'm going to do...

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