Sunday, September 16, 2012

Naps and Nuggets

So today is Sunday so that means church and yummy food with Cory and Shelbey! I woke up really excited, although I only had five hours of sleep.
I threw on my go-to church clothes. Nice jeans and a decent shirt, slipped on a pair a sandals, grabbed my bible and purse, left, ran back inside because I forgot makeup, ran back out and finally made it to Cory's place.
Valley Grove Baptist Church is one of the few churches that I've been in that just feels good to be in. No one is judging. No one is paying attention. No one is scrutinizingly watching, reporting back to my parents about my every move. I don't have to be the angel. I don't have to volunteer. I don't even have to act like I'm okay. I can cry and sing and heal. I can just enjoy God and worship in this wonderful place, without fear of others talking about me behind my back... because I don't know anyone there.
The message was really wonderful this morning and exactly what I needed to hear. We are currently in the process of finding a new pastor so we have guest speakers each week. This week was Glen Schmucker who talked about "God helps those who..."
At first he said that he had once believed that the sentence was finished with" themselves", but he now realizes that God helps those who "cannot help themselves". Thank you God for getting me up this  morning to hear that. You know exactly what to say when I'm at my lowest.
After church Cory and I went to H.E.B. (I love love love love love that store!) and bought chicken for lunch. We were going to make wings, but decided that our combined talent in cooking wasn't quite at that level yet. I do know how to make fried chicken, however and we decided to stay with that safe, yet delicious alternative.
We also went to Chicken Express and got about 30 packets of Serendipity... and that's all. I was afraid they would look at us strangely, but the guy just handed it over like it was no big deal. I guess he's used to seeing addicts like Cory come in. (I tried Serendipity for the first time today and am hooked).
It was either all the cayenne pepper we used in the batter or the smoke from the oil, but my eyes were killing me. They felt like raisins. Like sunburned raisins.
After the chicken was cooled and all of our homemade sauces completed we sat down to eat. It was so delicious! Definitely one for the cookbook :)

After that we just sat on the couch, feeling super full and really pleased in our new chef statuses.
I took Cory home around 3:45 and came back to the apartment ready for an afternoon of essay writing so that I could just hang out in the evening without being all stressed out. I laid down (my most comfortable position for writing because I can't focus when sitting up #ADHDkidproblems) and promptly fell asleep on my book.
I woke up about four hours later. My room was dark and there was drool all over my face and the library book that is due in a couple days. My life is like a movie now!? ggggrrrreeeaaaattttt....

Anyway I got up, starving and went and made dinner. I laid back down, started writing and didn't stop for about 45 minutes. The minimum was two pages and I wrote just over three. Oh yeah...
After happy dancing around my room and posting an excited message on facebook I finished editing it and sent it to my email for printing tomorrow morning.

Just a couple more short essays and I am done!!! WOOT WOOT!!

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